V-Model |車載組み込みシステムのV字開発工程

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ISO 26262 (Functional Safety for Road Vehicles)

  • ISO 26262 explicitly recommends using the V-Model as a framework for developing safety-critical automotive electronic systems.
  • It emphasizes clear stages of development on the left-hand side (requirements, architecture, design, coding) and corresponding validation and verification (V&V) phases on the right-hand side (unit tests, integration tests, system tests, and acceptance tests).
  • It requires detailed documentation, traceability, and rigorous testing aligned with the phases defined by the V-Model.

2. Automotive SPICE (ASPICE)

  • ASPICE also adopts a V-Model structure, particularly for software development processes.
  • It defines clear phases such as system requirements, software requirements, software architecture design, detailed software design, implementation, integration testing, software qualification testing, system integration, and system qualification testing.
  • ASPICE emphasizes traceability between requirements and test cases, ensuring rigorous auditability throughout the development lifecycle.

3. IATF 16949 (Quality Management for Automotive Industry)

  • IATF 16949 complements ISO 9001 and references structured processes aligned with the V-Model. It particularly highlights the importance of planning, verification, validation, and continuous improvement processes through each product development stage.
  • Specifically, it requires the use of Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP), which aligns closely with the V-Model philosophy of thorough validation at each stage.

Typical ECU V-Model Phases aligned with Standards:

Left-side (Development Phases)Right-side (Validation Phases)Standards Reference
System RequirementsSystem Acceptance TestISO 26262, ASPICE, IATF 16949
Software RequirementsSoftware Qualification TestISO 26262, ASPICE
Software Architecture DesignIntegration TestsISO 26262, ASPICE, AUTOSAR
Detailed Software DesignUnit TestsISO 26262, ASPICE, MISRA, CERT-C
Implementation (Coding)Static Analysis, Coding GuidelinesMISRA, CERT-C, AUTOSAR

Key Points:

  • Traceability: All standards emphasize full traceability between the left (development) and right (validation) sides.
  • Documentation: Rigorous documentation at each phase is mandatory for compliance.
  • Audits and Reviews: Regular audits, reviews, and assessments are required, particularly under ISO 26262 and ASPICE.

These internationally recognized standards collectively ensure ECU development processes are rigorous, consistent, and safety-oriented, adhering strictly to the V-Model methodology.



工程工程名必要文書 (ISO9001/IATF16949準拠)監査項目ガイドライン想定言語通信規格ツールソフトウェアツールハードウェアツールその他開発・検証ツール
1システム要求分析要求仕様書顧客要求監査ASPICE, ISO26262自然言語DOORS, JAMA, Polarion
2システム設計システム設計書、機能安全計画書設計妥当性監査ASPICE, ISO26262SysML, UMLEnterprise Architect, Rhapsody
3ソフトウェア要求定義ソフトウェア要求仕様書要求トレーサビリティ監査AUTOSAR, ASPICE自然言語, UMLDOORS, Polarion
4ソフトウェアアーキテクチャ設計ソフトウェアアーキテクチャ仕様書設計妥当性監査AUTOSAR, ASPICEUML, SysMLRhapsody, Enterprise Architect
5詳細設計詳細設計書, インターフェース仕様書内部設計監査MISRA, ASPICEUML, SysMLMATLAB/Simulink, Enterprise Architect
6ソースコード実装コーディングルール遵守証明書コーディング規約遵守監査MISRA2012, CERT-CC, C++, アセンブラEclipse, Green Hills MULTI, UnderstandRENESAS, Infineon, TI, NXP マイコン開発キット
7静的コード解析静的解析結果レポート静的解析監査MISRA2012, CERT-CC, C++, アセンブラUnderstand, QA・C, Coverity
8単体テスト単体テスト仕様書, 単体テストレポートカバレッジ分析(C0, C1, MC/DC)ISO26262, ASPICEC, C++VectorCAST, WinAMS, Tessy
9ソフトウェア統合テスト統合テスト仕様書, 統合テストレポート統合テスト結果監査、通信検証ASPICE, ISO26262C, C++CANoe, CANalyzerDaVinciMicroPecker, オシロスコープ, ロジックアナライザMultiLan, SAELA
10ソフトウェア妥当性確認ソフトウェア妥当性確認レポート妥当性検証(V&V)監査ASPICE, ISO26262CANoe, CANalyzerVectorCAST, DaVinci
11システム統合テストシステム統合テスト仕様書, システム統合テストレポートシステム統合試験監査ASPICE, ISO26262, AUTOSARCANoe, CANalyzerDaVinciMicroPecker, オシロスコープMultiLan
12システム妥当性確認システム妥当性確認レポートシステム妥当性検証監査(V&V監査)ASPICE, ISO26262CANoe, CANalyzerDaVinciオシロスコープ, ロジックアナライザ
13生産リリース準備・量産移行生産移行計画書, PPAP文書PPAP監査, 生産準備性監査IATF16949, PPAPPPAPチェックリスト, APQP関連文書
14保守・継続的改善保守計画書, 改善活動報告書品質維持・改善活動監査ISO9001, IATF16949自然言語Jira, Polarion, ALMツール