Industry 4.0

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Industry 4.0

How to ride on big wave in 21th century. Stand on the shoulders of giants.

Definition of Industry

Each industrial revolution has marked a fundamental shift in the way society produces goods and services.

The word “industry” has its origins in Latin. It comes from the Latin word “industria,” which means “diligence,” “eagerness,” or “activity.” The Latin term “industria” is derived from the verb “industrius,” meaning “diligent” or “industrious.”

History of innovation

産業革命は財やサービスなどのコモディティ生産方式のファンダメンタルな進歩と定義される。産業革命のコアを掴んだ国家や企業は他者に比べてアウトパフォームし、GDPシェア、覇権が入れ替わる。Industry 4.0 ではCPU&memory(Compute) virtulization, hypervisor&containerization, software defined networking(SDN)などのテクノロジーにより、コンピューティング、ストレージ、ネットワークの汎用化と大規模分散化が可能になった。データセンターやスマートファクトリーをもつ事業者が売上と利益で世界上位に。センサーデバイスが安価になったことで、工場で生産された商品の市場流通から販売後までのデータが工場やプラントにフィードバックされ、 需給に応じてグローバルサプライチェーンで稼働を調整できるスマートファクトリー、スマートプラント、スマート電力グリッドが実現。

Industry 1.0

Late 18th century


“Mechanization Revolution.” It began in the late 18th century with the mechanization of textile manufacturing through inventions like the spinning jenny and the steam engine. This revolution marked the transition from agrarian economies to industrial ones.

Industry 2.0

Late 19th century


“Technological Revolution,” took place in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It was characterized by the widespread use of electricity, the development of the telephone and the telegraph, and advancements in steel production. Mass production techniques, as exemplified by Henry Ford’s assembly line, also played a significant role during this period.

Industry 3.0

Late 20th century


“Digital Revolution” or “Information Age,” occurred in the late 20th century. Key developments included the proliferation of computers, the rise of the internet, and the advent of digital communication technologies. These technologies transformed industries by enabling the automation of processes, the digitization of data, and the creation of global networks.

Industry 4.0

21 st century


Industry 4.0 is characterized by the integration of cyber-physical systems. Virtualization of computing, database, network made scalability and flexibility in international infrastructure. IaaS integrates the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), big data. This revolution aims to create “smart factories” that use data and interconnected systems to optimize production, improve efficiency, and enable greater flexibility.