Executive officers

Growth-as-a-Service™︎| Decrypt History, Encrypt Future™

Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

20211229Shoichiro Tanaka Large

Shoichiro Tanaka


Mr. Shoichiro Tanaka is the Chairman and CEO of TANAAKK, a pioneering Growth-as-a-Service provider for industrial game changers. He has over decades of diversified investment and management experience in seven countries, with successful exits and IPOs. He is a qualified institutional investor in Japan, accredit investor in Singapore.
Mr. Tanaka leads TANAAKK’s vision to enable SaaS hyper growth by reinventing the whole enterprise process with AI infrastructure. 


-Founded, Chairman, CEO of TANAAKK in 7 countries
-Running international law firm (TANAAKK LAW) in TANAAKK group
-Qualified institutional investor in Japan under FSA, government financial agency
-Public Company Director Experience, IPO
-CTO and Chief Product Officer experience
-DevOps, CI/CD, Container-based development
-Microsoft Azure/AWS/GCP/Salesforce Cloud/Oracle Netsuite/SAP S/4HANA engineering
-Cloud defined network, WAF, Load balancing distributed DB skills
-Frontend(WebApp, MobileApp), Backend(API, DB), Database architect Skills
-Product design of connected IoT and automotive digital key system security
-NIST SP800 / ISO27001
-OWASP Web/MobileIoT Top10
-TLPT /Threat Hunting
