ISO 9001 Basic Guidelines

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ISO 9001 Basic Guidelines

Chapter (ISO 9001 Clause)SaaS CI/CDECU V-Model DevelopmentAudit Checklist
1. Scope– Code Integration- Automated Testing- Deployment and Delivery- Monitoring and Feedback– ECU V-Model Development– Clearly defined scope and boundaries documented
2. Documented Information (7.5)– CI/CD pipeline architecture- Deployment runbooks- Rollback and incident response procedures- Testing strategies and validation criteria– ECU V-Model process documentation– Maintained, controlled, accessible documentation- Regular reviews and updates
3. Design and Development Control (8.3)– Defined pipeline design processes and approval- Version control of pipeline scripts and configurations- Change management procedures– ECU software requirements- Design specifications- Verification and validation plans– Documented design and development processes- Records of reviews, approvals, and change management
4. Production and Service Provision (8.5)– Automated build and deployment logs- Defined environments (development, staging, production)- Standardized deployment practices– ECU software integration, testing, and release practices– Documented procedures and environments- Logs and records of build/deploy activities
5. Control of Nonconforming Outputs (8.7)– Immediate identification and notification of deployment failures- Documented rollback and recovery processes- Issue logging and analysis– ECU anomaly detection, reporting, corrective actions– Procedures for identification, containment, and corrective actions documented and followed
6. Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis, and Evaluation (9.1)– Review of pipeline metrics- Tracking deployment frequency, MTTR, failure rates- Reporting dashboards– ECU test coverage, verification metrics, validation outcomes– Documented monitoring metrics and regular reviews- Evidence of analysis and actions taken
7. Improvement (10)– Regular retrospectives and documented actions- Systematic updates and improvements– ECU continuous improvement practices, FMEA, corrective actions– Evidence of continuous improvement and corrective actions
8. Leadership and Commitment (5)– Defined roles and responsibilities for pipeline management- Leadership oversight and reviews– ECU management roles, responsibilities, documentation– Documented leadership reviews and defined responsibilities
9. Training and Competence (7.2)– Training records for CI/CD processes- Regular skill assessments– ECU-specific training records and assessments– Training and competence documentation maintained and updated

Additional Evidence Required for Audits

Ensure the following documentation and evidence are available and easily retrievable:

  • Records of internal audits and management reviews
  • Corrective action logs with implementation evidence
  • Risk assessments and mitigation documentation
  • Customer and stakeholder feedback, including actions taken
  • Supplier evaluation records (if applicable)

Comparative Summary Table: Toolkits

AspectCI/CD SaaS DevelopmentECU V-Model Development
MethodologyAgile, IterativeV-Model, Waterfall
DocumentationDeployment scripts, runbooksECU specifications, verification & validation documents
TestingAutomated tests, regression suitesStructured verification, validation testing
MetricsDeployment frequency, MTTRTest coverage, anomaly detection rate
Improvement ApproachRetrospectives, iterative actionsFMEA, structured corrective actions
Roles & ResponsibilitiesCross-functional agile teamsClearly defined functional roles

Metrics Summary Table:

AspectSaaS CI/CD DevelopmentECU V-Model Development
Deployment & ReleaseDeployment frequency, Lead time, Change failure rate, MTTRValidation pass rate, Field failure rate
Quality AssuranceTest coverage, Defect escape rate, Automated test pass rateTest coverage rate, Anomaly detection, Defect density
Incident & StabilityIncident frequency, MTTD, MTBFDefect removal efficiency, Rework rate
Process ComplianceDocumentation accuracy, Process adherenceRequirement traceability completion, Compliance rate

Practical QMS Metrics by Category:

For SaaS CI/CD Development:

Deployment Metrics:

  • Deployment Frequency: Number of deployments per day/week.
  • Deployment Success Rate: Percentage of successful deployments.
  • Lead Time for Changes: Time from code commit to deployment in production.
  • Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR): Average recovery time after a deployment failure.
  • Change Failure Rate: Percentage of deployments resulting in rollback or fixes.

Testing & Quality Metrics:

  • Automated Test Coverage: Percentage of code covered by automated tests.
  • Defect Escape Rate: Bugs identified in production compared to staging/testing.
  • Automated Test Pass Rate: Percentage of automated tests passing successfully.
  • Regression Test Pass Rate: Percentage of regression tests passing without incidents.

Incident & Stability Metrics:

  • Incident Frequency: Number of incidents reported post-deployment.
  • Mean Time to Detect (MTTD): Average time to detect issues in production.
  • Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF): Average uptime between system failures.

For ECU V-Model Development:

Development & Validation Metrics:

  • Test Coverage Rate: Percentage of functional and safety requirements tested.
  • Validation Pass Rate: Percentage of validation tests passed on the first attempt.
  • Verification Efficiency: Number of issues detected per verification test.
  • Requirement Traceability Completion: Percentage of requirements clearly traced through the V-model (from specification to validation).

Quality & Defect Metrics:

  • Anomaly Detection Rate: Number of anomalies identified per testing phase.
  • Defect Density: Number of defects per software size or function.
  • Defect Removal Efficiency: Percentage of defects found before customer release.
  • Rework Rate: Percentage of total effort or budget spent on rework due to defects.

Reliability & Process Control Metrics:

  • Field Failure Rate: Failures reported per ECU after deployment.
  • Compliance Rate: Percentage of ECU software that meets regulatory and customer requirements on first submission.
  • Process Adherence Rate: Percentage of completed processes following defined procedures without deviation.