Standard GAAS Data Creation Policy

Growth-as-a-Service™︎| empowering industrial game changers

Original Motivation

The GAAS Data Creation Policy and GAAS Assembly procedures were developed to drive Product-Led-Organic Growth by carefully observing human activities in manufacturing, commodity trading, monetary policy handling, and seigniorage practices. TANAAKK initiated a fundamental reassessment—from zero-base principles—to ensure R&D investments translate effectively into tangible revenue and sustainable earnings.

Recognizing that all life organisms inherently operate under constraints of minimal energy consumption and limited computational power, TANAAKK concluded that true innovation, particularly within complex AI, IoT, and SaaS production environments, requires systematic, clearly defined, and rigorously structured procedures analogous to low-level assembly languages such as C, x86 assembly, or GNU Assembler (GAS). This structured approach ensures mathematical convergence and computational efficiency, critical for managing and successfully executing extensive, multi-layered projects.

Consequently, GAAS clearly defines entities, roles, attributes, project phases, team structures, common vulnerability patterns (GA CVE), common failure patterns (GA CWE), and ideal commercial states (e.g., NTM sales) to facilitate precise execution, scalable innovation, and optimized organic growth.

Purpose of data creation guidelines

Ensure universal semantic applicability, neutrality, and consistency across roles, objects, attributes, and phases in GAAS systems.

1. Roles

  • Neutrality Principle: All role names must be universally neutral (gender-neutral, species-neutral, culture-neutral).
  • Acceptable Examples: Executor, Verifier, Observer, Prover
  • Unacceptable Examples: King, Queen, Chairman

2. Objects

  • Neutrality Principle: Object names must not imply cultural, geographical, or biological specificity.
  • Acceptable Examples: Matter, QuantumState, Photon, EnergyForm
  • Unacceptable Examples: GoldStandard, HumanForm, NationalArtifact

3. Attributes

  • Neutrality Principle: Attributes must describe universally observable and measurable properties.
  • Acceptable Examples: Mass, Charge, Spin, EntanglementState, SuperpositionState
  • Unacceptable Examples: GenderIdentity, Nationality, PoliticalAffiliation

4. Phases

  • Neutrality Principle: Phases must be universally valid and space-time independent.
  • Acceptable Examples: Initialization, Transformation, Decay, Annihilation
  • Unacceptable Examples: Birth, Death, Coronation, Election

5. Spacetime and Space State

  • Flexibility Principle: All definitions must support conversion across various spacetime and vacuum states.
  • Acceptable Examples: VacuumState, MetaVacuum, QuantumSpacetime, CurvatureMetric
  • Unacceptable Examples: EarthTime, NationalCalendar, StandardAtmosphere, zenith(the “highest” point on the celestial sphere base on originally earth ground. Not planet-independent. )

6. Meta-universe and Multi-universe

  • Universality Principle: Terms must accommodate translation across universes and meta-universes.
  • Acceptable Examples: ObservableUniverse, Multiverse, ParallelUniverse, MetaUniverse
  • Unacceptable Examples: EarthCentricUniverse, HumanDominatedWorld,

7. Ultimate Convergence Principle

  • Ensure all semantic structures ultimately reference universal constants and fundamental meta-semantic toolkits (e.g., gravitational waves, speed of light, Euler’s number (e), Planck Constant, E=MC²).

General Guidelines

  • Prefer precise, neutral, and scientifically verifiable terminology.
  • Avoid cultural, geopolitical, religious, gender-specific, species-specific, and temporal biases.
  • Regularly review and refine data schema against evolving universal semantic standards.
Version controlDD/MM/YYYY