Decrypt History, Encrypt Future

Growth-as-a-Service™︎| Decrypt History, Encrypt Future™

Decrypt History, Encrypt Future

Decrypt History, Encrypt Future™ is the corporate statement used by TANAAKK since November 2017.

The phrase means that the true history can be uncovered by observing phenomena and discovering the appropriate decryption codes. Similarly, information that influences future actions can be safely transported over long distances through proper encryption, avoiding resistance. By adopting the extreme assumption that all information is pre-recorded in spacetime, a multidimensional and comprehensive understanding of phenomena becomes possible.

1. Decrypt History

“Decrypt History” refers to the act of receiving past information or events as encoded messages, seeking out the decryption code, and interpreting and understanding them. While this slogan was not clear in 2017, current theories in 2025 align with the principle in quantum mechanics, which suggests that past events and data are preserved and not lost. In other words, historical information continues to exist in some form, even if its physical manifestation changes.

The information and history collected in the past may become accessible with technological advancements, enabling us to re-decrypt lost data and gain new understanding. For example, scientific discoveries or historical events may be reevaluated and better understood through new technologies and perspectives, which aligns with the law of information conservation.

2. Encrypt Future

“Encrypt Future” implies that information influencing future actions can be securely transmitted over long distances without encountering resistance, through proper encryption. This emphasizes the need to protect future information and ensure it is appropriately stored and transmitted to future generations. According to the law of information conservation, information will never disappear and will always be preserved in some form in the future.

Encryption technology serves as a way to protect future information from others and control access, ensuring the data remains safe and intact for extended periods. The most important information for humanity must be encrypted properly and carried forward to an understandable future.

3. Language Expansion and Setting Limits

The inventions of linguistic tools such as the concept of zero, the imaginary number i, Euler’s number e, and Einstein’s gravitational constant have dramatically expanded human cognition, reshaping our understanding of physics and mathematics. These tools define ideal limits that are not observed as phenomena but are mathematically, physically, and philosophically established. Setting limits not only creates new concepts but also provides new frameworks for thought, similar to how infrastructure expands beyond the traditional boundaries of understanding, opening up new paths for exploration.

TANAAKK’s corporate statement, “Decrypt History, Encrypt Future,” assumes a relative view of past, present, and future, where they mutually influence one another. It is a statement founded on the belief that meta-semantic symbols can change human behavior.

Similarly, TANAAKK’s GAAS™ suggests frameworks for setting limits (such as Meta-Space Time™ and Antiverse Counterparty™), offering new ways to develop theories independent of physical observation. One of the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics is the “law of conservation of information,” which TANAAKK expands upon. Under the slogan “Encrypt History, Decrypt Future,” it means that the true history can be deciphered by observing phenomena and discovering the proper decryption codes, while information influencing future actions can be safely transported through proper encryption. By adopting the extreme assumption that all information is pre-recorded in spacetime, a multidimensional and comprehensive understanding of phenomena becomes possible.