As a founder, what kind of investor you should select as growth partner

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As a founder, what kind of investor you should select as growth partner

-Which investor the founders should select as growth partner?

The best quality an investor should have is a real distribution to their LPs. There are very many Venture Capitalists who do not have a track record of real distribution that surpasses market benchmarks: the VTI-Vanguard Total Stock Index or the SPY-S&P 500 Index. The 10-year average of these widely available mutual funds is a 12% IRR. If an investor does not have experience returning more than a 12% IRR in cash to their LPs, then there is no economic justification for allocating funds to that Venture Capitalist. Qualified Venture Capitalists who can beat public benchmarks tend to have a capability in consistently generating value and growth. In short, fund performance can determine your destiny as a founder if you want to be rich.